inilah; keindahan kata

INDAH. itulah mengapa saya sangat mencintai puisi-puisi E.E Cummings. oleh syair cintanya yang membuai, saya pun takluk dan mencintainya sampai detik ini. rasanya tak pernah bosan bercinta setiap malam dengan kata-katanya yang lembut dan penuh cinta. seperti menemukan ruang berbagi perasaan; atas kemelut jiwa. seperti menemukan kata penghiburan; atas kesepian. seperti menemukan bahu untuk bersandar; atas kelelahan. seperti menemukan pelukan hangat; atas segala kesedihan. dan seperti menemukan teman berbincang; tentang cinta dan mencintai, tentang kehidupan, dan tentang makna berpuisi itu sendiri; puisi adalah estetika kata. memesona, merangkul, menghanyutkan, sampai menemukan dataran kita sendiri.

pada suatu malam saya mendatanginya atas sebuah alasan. dan lewat selembar jiwanya, ia pun menghampiri saya:

You are tired,
(I think)
Of the always puzzle of living and doing;
And so am I.
Come with me, then,
And we'll leave it far and far away—
(Only you and I, understand!)
You have played,
(I think)
And broke the toys you were fondest of,
And are a little tired now;
Tired of things that break, and—
Just tired.
So am I.
But I come with a dream in my eyes tonight,
And I knock with a rose at the hopeless gate of your heart—
Open to me!
For I will show you the places Nobody knows,
And, if you like,
The perfect places of Sleep.
Ah, come with me!
I'll blow you that wonderful bubble, the moon,
That floats forever and a day;
I'll sing you the jacinth song
Of the probable stars;
I will attempt the unstartled steppes of dream,
Until I find the Only Flower,
Which shall keep (I think) your little heart
While the moon comes out of the sea.
(LOVE POEMS; X, p. 923)

saya pun terhanyut.

di malam-malam lain, saya mencarinya untuk sebuah hiburan, karena cinta terkadang menghampiri saya dengan tidak bersahabat. lalu, si penyair ini akan memberikan ruang dalam lembarannya untuk kita tersenyum dan terlena karenanya.

Lady, i will touch you with my mind.
Touch you and touch and touch
until you give
me suddenly a smile,shyly obscene
(lady i will
touch you with my mind.)Touch
you,that is all,
lightly and you utterly will become
with infinite ease
the poem which i do not write.

(Poems from The Dial Papers, 1919-20; XVII, p. 983)

i love you much(most beautiful darling)
more than anyone on the earth and i
like you better than everything in the sky
—sunlight and singing welcome your coming
although winter may be everywhere
with such a silence and such a darkness
noone can quite begin to guess
(except my life)the true time of year—
and if what calls itself a world should have
the luck to hear such singing(or glimpse such
sunlight as will leap higher than high
through gayer than gayest someone's heart at your each
nearerness)everyone certainly would(my
most beautiful darling)believe in nothing but love

(95 Poems (1958); dedication, p. 717)

dan...kata-katanya menghilangkan kata-kata di kepala saya.

ini hanyalah cara saya untuk berbicara dengan puisinya. ini dataran saya sendiri. dan puisi diatas hanya sebagain kecil dari keindahan-keindahan yang ia ciptakan.

dan untuk seseorang yang membuat saya menemui Cummings setiap malam. Mungkin, inilah kamu :)

he isn't looking at anything
he isn't looking for something
he isn't looking
he is seeing
not something outside himself
not anything inside himself
but himself
himself how
not as some anyone
not as any someone
only as a noone(who is everyone)

(Uncollected Poems (1910-1962); DOVEGLION, p. 904)*

“life's not a paragraph
And death i think is no parenthesis”

― E.E. Cummings

*konon katanya, puisi Doveglion ini dipersembahkan untuk Jose Garcia Villa, seorang penyair Filipina, kritikus sastra, penulis cerita pendek, dan pelukis. Jose Garcia Vila menggunakan nama pena Doveglion yang berasal dari Dove, Eagle, Lion.


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